How to automate stud welding?

HBS delivers a wide product range: starting with a hand held welding gun with automatic stud feeding, semi-automatic systems, up to fully automated stud welding units and robotic applications. Single source – by HBS. (ask for our HBS-brochure”Product survey-automatic stud welding)

How many studs per minute can be welded?

  • Manual stud feeding: 5 to 6 studs per minute* (average).
  • Automatioc stud feeding: 40 studs per minute* (average).

Which quality of the plate surface is required?

  • The surface of the plate must be electrically conductive.
  • Varnish, aluminium layers, scale, rust and plastic surfaces are to be removed. Check galvanized and oily plates for their weldability.

How long does the welding process last?

  • Capacitor discharge stud welding: 1 to 3 msec
  • Drawn arc stud welding: 5 msec to 1.5 sec

Which stud shapes are available?

  • Capacitor discharge stud welding according to DIN 2): threaded studs, pins, tapped pads, christmas tree studs, paint clearing studs, grounding clips, cupped head pins, insulation pins.
  • Drawn arc stud welding according to DIN 2): threaded studs, pins, tapped pads, christmas tree studs, concrete anchors, collar studs, insulation pins. HBS supplies any type of standard welding elements as well as special studs to customer’s request. (Ask for the HBS-brochure “Product survey – Stud Welding Fasteners”.

Which stud diameter and stud length can be welded?

  • Capacitor discharge stud welding according to DIN 2): M3 to M8 (M10), dia. 2 to 10mm.
  • Drawn arc stud welding according to DIN 2) dia. 2 to 25mm (M24) (Lengths: Ask fo the HBS-brochure “Product survey – Stud Welding Fasteners).

Which materials are wedlable?

Generally materials of the same kind should be welded.

  • Capacitor discharges stud welding according to DIN 1) 2): steel (mild and alloyed steel), aluminium, brass
  • Drawn arc stud welding according to DIN 1) 2): steel (mild and alloyed steel), aluminium.(other material/combinations on request)

How strong is the joint?

Because the stud is joined with the work piece over the whole surface of the stud, the strength of the joint is even higher than the base material or the stud.

Where is stud welding used?

  • Capacitor discharge stud welding: sheet metalwork, electronic industries, switchboard cabinets, laboratory and medical equipment, food industry, household appliances, communications engineering, vending machines, windows, glass constructions, insulation technology, industrial kitchen etc.
  • Drawn arc stud welding: steel construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, structural and civil engineering, power plants and combustion systems, boiler and plant equipment, insulation and window construction.

What kind of processes are available?

  • Capacitor discharges stud welding with ignition (TS) according to DIN 1). Especially suited for welding on thin plates from about 0.5mm. Minimum plate thickness: 1/10 of stud diameter. Welding range: M3-M8 (M10).
  • Drawn arc stud welding (DS) according to DIN 1), process variations: drawn arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule or shielding gas, short cycle drawn arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule or shielding gas, short cycle drawn arc stud welding, capacitor discharge drawn arc stud welding. Especially suited for welding on thicker plates of 2mm and above. Minimum plate thickness: 1/8 stud diameter. Welding range: dia. 2 to 25mm (M24).

How does stud welding work?

An arc is ignited between the face of the stud and the surface of work piece, once both parts are melted, the stud is smoothly pressed against the work piece and the joined together.

What is stud welding?

Welding Elements like threaded studs, pins, tapped pads etc. are welded by arc without additional material.