SE 625 3.2kg/Dose 2.5x300mm

  • Basic coated, high alloy nickel based stick electrode
  • Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency
  • Excellent ignition and reignition characteristics
  • Maximum operating temperature of the components 1000 °C
  • Cold tough up to -196 °C
  • Scale resistant up to 1100 °C
  • Suitable for transformer
  • Alloy core rod
Standards DIN EN ISO 14172 , E Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
AWS A-5.11 , E NiCrMo3
Material number , 2.4621
Coating type Rutile/basic
Welding positions PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF
Polarity DC-/+
Baking seldom necessary , 300 °C , 2 h
Electrode Ø 2.5 mm
Chemical analysis
C Cr Mo Nb Ni
0.03% 19.5% 11% 4% Remainder
Welding current DC-/+ , 60 A – 90 A
Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥450 MPa
Expansion, A5 ≥30 %
Tensile strength, Rm ≥760 MPa
Impact energy, Av 20 °C , ≥75 J , -196 °C , ≥60 J
Packing drum Can, 3.2 kg
Length 300 mm
Materials Alloy 625, alloy 800 and similar Ni-Cr alloys