SW 309 H 15kg/Spule 0.8mm

  • Joint welding and surfacing of heat-resisting CrSi, CrAl and CrNiSi steels
  • For similar heat- and scale-resistant steels
  • High-alloy solid wire electrode
  • Scale-resistant up to 950 °C
  • Not prone to hot crack formation due to high delta-ferrite content
Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A , G 22 12 H
AWS A-5.9 , ER 309 Si
Material number , 1.4829
Polarity DC+
Wire Ø 0.8 mm
Chemical analysis
C Si Mn Cr Ni Fe
0.1% 0.9% 1.7% 22% 11.5% Remainder
Shielding gas M12 , M13
Expansion, A5 ≥25 %
Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa
Packing drum Spool BS300, 15 kg
Materials 1.4828, 1.4826, 1.4833, 1.4713, 1.4724, 1.4742, 1.4710, 1.4740, 1.4829, 1.4832, 1.4878, 1.4713