SW 80S CrMo1 15kg/Spule 1.0mm

  • Low-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant
  • Copper-plated, layer wound
  • Creep resistant filler for pipe and container construction
  • Low-spatter thanks to high chemical purity
  • Maximum operating temperature 550 °C
  • Suitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc
Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A , G CrMo1Si
AWS A-5.28 , ER 80S-G
Material number , 1.7339
Welding positions PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG
Polarity DC+
Wire Ø 1 mm
Chemical analysis
C Si Mn Cr Mo
0.1% 0.6% 1% 1.2% 0.52%
Shielding gas M21
Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥305 MPa
Expansion, A5 ≥20 %
Tensile strength, Rm ≥450 MPa
Impact energy, Av 20 °C , ≥100 J , -10 °C , ≥47 J
Approvals TÜV / DB
Packing drum Spool B300, 15 kg
Materials 13CrMo4-5